David Crittenden is the Synod of Lincoln Trail’s Conversational Partner on Covenantal Abundance.

Here’s what he would like to share to introduce himself:

I am an interested third party, employed by the Synod of Lincoln Trails to listen to and help support sessions, pastors and presbyteries as they consider the available options for the Board of Pensions medical insurance by sharing resources, thinking theologically and networking.

I am a retired minister of the Word and Sacrament. I served three congregations for a total of twenty years, two Synods for a total of seventeen years and four years serving agencies at the denominational level. My focus and passion during my active service to the church was on how our faith and attitudes about money impact the decisions we make as we seek to be faithful to our call and witness to Jesus Christ.

The Board of Pensions options will mean some will need to pay more for the coverage they need, some will pay less, and some will not be affected at all. Because we are a part of a covenant community I hope we all can look for and be a part of solutions. I believe all of our faith decisions have financial implications and all of our financial decisions have faith implications. This is true whether we are speaking as individuals or as a group (committee, session, Presbytery, Synod or General Assembly). As Presbyterian Christians we are a part of the larger body of Christ. We are a covenant community. We are in this together!

It is my hope that our conversations will be undergirded by the abundance that is described in the Scriptures instead of a scarcity mentality that is often our attitude especially when we face change.  I believe depending on promised abundance will lead to an overwhelming sense of gratitude as we look at the totality of our resources. This gratitude will feed a generosity that can meet all of our needs through unprecedented sharing.

I look forward to our conversations. Please feel free to contact me with your questions, concerns or observations.
