Synod Commissioner Expectations


Synod Stated Meetings

A Synod Commissioner is a minister of the Word and Sacrament or a ruling elder, elected by a presbytery. Each presbytery elects two ministers and two ruling elders who serve as commissioners.

The Synod convenes stated meetings twice a year and may occasionally call special meetings. Commissioners vote on approving the Synod budget, amendments to our Standing Rules, overtures to the General Assembly, Synod policies and programs, as well as electing officers and at-large committee members. They participate in discussions about mission as we discern how best to direct the Synod’s resources. Another key role is leading worship—we have been blessed with wonderful sermons and liturgy facilitated by our commissioners.

 Since 2019, we have added a segment to our stated meeting docket that is called “Commissioner Comments.”  During that time, commissioners are invited to speak on the life and work of local congregations, particular blessings, and concerns of the day, and about events in the church at-large and the world.


Commissioners serve three-year terms, beginning on January 1 of the first year and ending on December 31 of the third year. Commissioners are eligible to serve a second three-year term. If a commissioner resigns, a presbytery will elect a ruling elder or minister to serve the remainder of the term.

 Committee Participation

 Commissioners serve on the following committees:

Synod Council – directs the planning and arrangements for the Synod’s stated meetings, forms task forces, facilitates Synod-wide planning, and reviews recommendations from Synod committees, task forces, the Synod Executive, and the Stated Clerk.

Standing Committee on Leadership Development – reviews and approves applications to the Mission Initiative Grant Program, as well as advising the Synod in matters regarding youth leadership development and pastoral support.

Standing Committee on Mission Coordination and Administration – schedules the Synod’s stated meetings, monitors Synod meeting attendance and participation, participates in developing and reviewing the Synod budget, designates the Synod’s annual portion of per capita, makes recommendations regarding Synod policies and its connectional commitments.

Standing Committee on Personnel – designs and manages the Synod’s processes for employing and supervising staff.

Board of Directors – facilitates the Synod’s financial reviews and audits, participates in developing and reviewing the Synod budget, reviews the Synod’s investments, and oversees matters regarding property.

Committee on Representation – nominates commissioners to serve as Synod officers and makes nominations for at-large positions on Synod committees. The committee also advises the Synod in implementing the principles of participation and inclusiveness in the decision-making of the church.

The committees meet depending on the workload throughout the year (some meet twice, others may meet three to four times during the year. Our committees make decisions on behalf of the Synod, such as approving grants, or they will make recommendations to the Synod for action.

Synod Moderator and Vice Moderator

Each year, the Synod elects a commissioner to serve as Synod Moderator and a commissioner to serve as Vice Moderator. The Synod Moderator is the presiding officer of the Synod’s stated meetings, and the Vice Moderator presides in the absence of the Moderator. Both are also members of the Synod Council.


All committee meetings are conducted by Zoom. Each year, one stated meeting is held on Zoom and one is held in person at the Synod’s expense. 

Please reach out to your Presbytery leadership if you are interested in being considered for service as a Synod commissioner.